being the first monthly online law periodical,
has been established by academicians in January
2002 and begun its academic publication life in
March 2002.
The periodical aims at
publishing scientific studies and spreading intellectual
views worldwide. Via exchanging the ideas, the
analysis and the academic publications, it serves
to provide a venue for interaction of different
approaches to law .
Besides publishing works
written in Turkish, works in other languages written
by foreigners are also welcomed in this periodical.
This periodical, gives
a special emphasis to the work of young academicians
and encourages them to send their works for publication.
The decision, concerning
the publication of manuscripts, is determined
by E-Academy based on the evaluation of referees.
For this reason, writers of manuscripts that are
not accepted for publication should be aware of
this process.
1. Manuscripts that are submitted shoul not have
been published before.
2. Author should give the
guarantee that there is no infringement upon the
copyright or other rights of the third persons.
3. E - Academy has rights
to translate, archive and publish in different
venues for manuscripts accepted for publication.
4. There are no copyright
payments to the writers of published manuscripts..